
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What Life Would Be Like

Today's Song
'What Life Would Be Like' by Big Daddy Weave

I discovered this song while listening to the 'WOW 2010' CD. This song came on, and I instantly caught on. After playing it a few times, the chorus is sung easily, and the words are really moving. Great for singing to in the car.

Bad stuff: Nope
Road-trip material: Yes! Great for singing to.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Let it Be

The goal of this blog is going to be to present a song a day. I'll give my opinion on them, and you can get exposed to new music - well, relatively - they still may be 'old' songs.

Today's song
'Let it Be' by the Beatles

I love this song! It always starts playing when I'm super stressed out, and it reminds me to just 'Let it Be'. Just the opening chords make my heart happy. This song kept playing at the end of last semster - the day I didn't get a job I wanted, and during the rush of finals. It's always worth just sitting down and listening to this song to calm the soul.

Bad stuff: Nope
Road-trip material: Only if you have a Beatles fan in the car
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